Format of Divorce Petition by Husband in India

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SIR/Madame The applicant respectfully submits the following: – 1- That the applicant was married to the respondent on __ to ___ according to Hindu rites and ceremonies in the presence of friends, relatives and family members of both parties. A corresponding affidavit is attached to the petition. 2- That the status of the parties before the marriage and at the time of filing the current applicant as under the status of DEFENDANT PETENT Residence status was/are the residence status. (i) Prior to ___ The respondent pressured the applicant to recover the amount of Rs. __/- from his parents, and when the applicant refused to bear the amount, the defendant dealt him merciless blows. The applicant`s parents twice gave the accused the amount of Rs. _/- and Rs. __/- to the accused, but the respondent did not repair his habits, but constantly tortured the complainant to bring more money from his parents. The accused always mocked the applicant by uttering offensive and unparliamentary language in the presence of relatives and friends for no reason.

The petitioner`s life became like hell because of the respondent`s behaviour. 12. That the terms and conditions between the parties be set out in the letter of intent signed and signed between the parties, which is appended as part of this application, and that the parties undertake to comply with them. IMPORTANT NOTE: For urgent requests for services related to divorce rights, do not hesitate to contact us via the contact page of our website, our team of online legal experts will respond accordingly. 6- That various panchayats were summoned to the accused`s home and that the parents of the petitoner asked the defendant to keep and maintain the applicant, but the defendant clearly refused to keep and maintain the applicant. The last panchayat was summoned on __ in the presence of respectable relatives, in which Shri __ 8- Since the defendant left the applicant without reasonable and justifiable reason and rhyme and therefore it became impossible for the applicant to live further in the company of the defendant, the applicant is entitled to a divorce decree for cruelty and desertion. · That the respondent is responsible, pending the hearing and final settlement of this application, for granting the applicant a monthly allowance of Rs. ____/- to cover his personal expenses and the operating costs of the matrimonial home; 9- That the means of filing the present application was repeatedly the responsibility of the applicant when the defendant had abused in dirty language and the applicant had been beaten mercilessly. The plea also related to ___________ The plea was also raised every day the Panchyats were summoned, and it eventually arose on __, when the respondent clearly refused to detain and maintain the applicant. Hence this petition.

12- That no such claim is pending or has been filed or decided by a court on the same subject between the same parties. 6. That the parties have now decided to legally dissolve the marriage by means of an amicable divorce decree. The parties have settled all their claims, counterclaims, etc., and the defendant`s wife has received all her rights, permanent alimony, alimony, etc., and there is no due date with respect to any other claims between the parties. (Find an online legal service for drafting the mutual divorce agreement, which governs all the terms of mutual divorce) 1. The marriage between the parties was celebrated on ——— to ————-, through Hindu rites and ceremonies. The said marriage was then consummated and the parties lived as husband and wife in the matrimonial home, that is, ————————-. Details of the parties to this application are given here at the following address: 9. That no further divorce proceedings are pending before another court.

7- That the petitioner carries all kinds of cruelty because she wanted to save her married life and did not want to waste her life. Often, parents and loved ones advised the respondent to go out to drink and behave properly, but without any benefit. The Applicant also made several attempts to advise the Respondent to change his behaviour and not to drink, but the Respondent refused to accept the legitimate requests of the Applicant and his relatives. 6. The applicant points out that the respondent continued to treat him cruelly and violently thereafter. The applicant states that such cruelty in the mind of the petitioner triggered the fear that it would be harmful and harmful for the petitioner to continue to live with the defendant. .