Bus Shelter Requirements

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There are some general guidelines that should be followed when deciding whether or not to need a bus shelter. Situations where accommodation is required include: neighbourhoods where buses rarely operate; commercial areas with frequent service and a high number of passengers; areas where security is an issue; neighbourhoods where there are many elderly or frail people; and areas where bad weather is frequent. A good bus shelter is an essential part of any successful urban transport system. However, what is „good“ depends on your point of view. From the point of view of the municipal administration, which is responsible for its management, a good shelter is a shelter that has little maintenance and is resistant to vandalism. From the driver`s point of view, an ideal shelter is one that allows visibility and easy access to the bus, is comfortable and convenient, provides clear information and is safe. Both viewpoints are equally important to consider, as an unused shelter is a waste of money and an unnecessary maintenance problem. A well-designed and comfortable shelter can make waiting for a bus a pleasant – and even interesting – experience! Unfortunately, there are also many poorly designed accommodations. People need to be able to see the bus coming. Poorly designed shelters that obstruct the view of approaching buses force people to leave the shelters to look for oncoming buses. Alternative financing mechanisms for bus shelters are becoming increasingly popular in many cities.

The use of private contractors for the construction and maintenance of shelters is one way to maintain and maintain shelters at no public cost. Private entrepreneurs typically use the income generated by advertising in properties. When this method of financing is used, it is particularly important that the design, locations and amenities to be provided in the property are specified in the contract between the city and the contractor. To decide what type of shelter to use in a particular area, it is necessary to analyze the existing and expected conditions, as well as some knowledge of the characteristics of good housing and housing. Below you will find information on each factor. In this context, there are four general qualities that any well-designed bus shelter should have. The features described below are visibility, accessibility, comfort and convenience, as well as information. A bus shelter should be designed to reflect the city in which it is located. This can be achieved through the use of local materials and design details. Often, standard dwellings can be adapted to reflect the unique characteristics of the area in which they are located.

There should be few moving parts as they can be easily broken. Parts should be easy to rearrange and replace, and should not require the removal of other parts or sections for access to repair. Materials must be resistant to vandalism, graffiti, weather, salt and rust and easy to clean. Protective equipment can be applied to steel if the salt damage is severe. Herculite glass side panels (used in New York) are scratch-resistant, strong, unbreakable and easy to clean. Plastic or plexiglass is not recommended as it tends to fade and scratch easily, reducing visibility from the shelter. The manufacturer of the bus shelter should be consulted on the best combination of materials and surfaces for a particular area. Specific guidelines for the location of bus shelters are set out below: On most urban routes where traffic is sufficiently high, waiting passengers should therefore be grouped in appropriate locations. These should be marked with a sign on a pole or passenger shelter or other urban furniture such as a lamp standard; Signs should be clearly visible to approaching drivers and ideally lit at night. Shelters increase passenger comfort and can generate income Whenever possible, it is desirable to provide shelters for passengers waiting at bus stops. They should be designed to accommodate the maximum number of passengers normally waiting and provide adequate weather protection. They must be well lit and ventilated, and approaching buses must be visible from inside the shelter.

Where waiting times may be long, it may be desirable to provide seating. To be durable, bus shelters must consist of structural elements and recessed panels, not „curtain walls“ or decorative sections that can be easily destroyed. In general, a steel structure is preferable. Wood is not as durable and concrete tends to look monolithic and tends to fade and grind easily. For reasons of flexibility, the installation must be done by screw-on fastening and not by casting. Good locations for bus shelters are close to retail stores that have products that meet the needs of bus drivers (e.B. bakery, florist, kiosk, etc.) and are open until late at night. near the entrances to an office building in the sight of a security guard; close to street vendors; and in conjunction with other amenities such as phones, benches and so on.. .